Tuesday, April 19, 2005

So it's been a while since i posted. actually, i can't remember the last time i did post..actually wait. that's a lie. i think it was a few weeks after reading week, or something like that...

Anyhoo, a lot of stuff has happened in the last month or so

3 weeks of skipping classes
2 pretty badly written exams
1 really really bad night
1 realization of life while kissing the toilet
1 experimental drug--never NEVER again
1 wonderful week and a bit at home
0.5/10 studying accomplished at home
2 days stuck in my room studying my ass off
4 episodes of grey's anatomy in one morning
3 times watched 1st episode of grey's anatomy whilst reviewing
1 easy going morning
1 quite confident exam

on another note...

i can't wait for:

swimming and getting into shape
TIFF! back for the whole summer!
more summer fun?
road trips?
and many many more things

i also haven't made up my mind about whether or not i'm going to go on a missions trip. see, my heart is telling me to go--more so on emotions etc.--but i'm not so sure...i dunno why i'm not sure..actually..i do know why i'm not so sure...

1. am i called to go back this summer?
2. am i just riding on emotion?
3. am i going for the right reasons?
there's more to this of course...barg...

help me out on this one guys...i'm stumped...there's definitely other reasons...but i'm not blogging them online...i duno...mebbe just drop me an email and lemme know what's going on..meh. things are so complicated!


GOOD LUCK WITH EXAMS PEOPLE!! althought i know some are done before i EVEN STARTED!!! humph...you lucky people who are done early...=(

toodles...until next time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, do my eyes deceive me? Can it be that you actually updated again? :O Ahh, the wonders of RSS, if only everybody had a RSS feed on their blogs. I'm too tired (read: lazy) to write an email, so how about we talk next Wednesday? I'm coming over that day anyway. Welcome back to the land of blogging.

10:50 PM  
Blogger Tiffany said...

oh man jo, hang in there. And hold on tight while you're at it. University ain't no easy ride...and i'm not talking about academics--u know what i'm saying. See ya in a couple of weeks. *smiles*

5:45 PM  

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