Tuesday, January 11, 2005

So it's been a more than a month since ive blogged...and it's the new year!! woohoo!!!
things of the past:
passed law with a didn't expect mark!
got over 70% in a lot of things except ed psych...boourns...all because of my stupid essay BLAH! that's what i'm taking writing 101 for!! hehe...it's such a weird yet funnie course...
cuz came from HK--loads of fun but she slept all day...hahaha
i'm bored rite now because my class doesn't start until 1 and it's 12:35 so i'm sitting on the couches at nat sci blogging because i have nothing else to do...i even finished all the law readings for today and actually read ahead!! wowsers
my writing 101 prof is HOT yet married...oh boo..meh!
I'm getting sick of turkey...i've had turkey at almost every meal...turkey salad, turkey sandwhich, turkey with noodles ARGH!! i'm gonna turn INTO a turkey soon!!
did i mention that rite now i'm in nat sci blogging and i'm looking at my green sweatpants and realizing that i'm definitely MISMATCHED in clothes?!! oh man...the horror!
snow....london can't just dump snow..it has to come in little bits...cmon sky!! i want western to have the 1st snow day in 23 years!!!!!
yepyep...acf retreat is coming up--SO GOING
and i'm tired....and bored...oh crap..it's only been 3 mins. I have really nothing to blog/b.s. about anymore..mebbe i'll just get going to my tutorial and just walk extremely slow...


Blogger timmy said...

wat a nerd:)

12:39 AM  
Blogger andy said...

go LAW!

10:20 PM  

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