Saturday, October 16, 2004


So it was about midnight on thursday evening when my my roomate Sarah and myself decided to go on a snack run. And literally it was a run as we ran to the conveinence store to grab some chips. Oh the irony...running--exercise...chips--FAT! But it was OH SO GOOD!!! mmmm love those jalapeno chips!

On the way back we were talking about how nice the weather was for an October mid night, and then we got into talking about where we wanted to live.

My picks:
Summer in one of the prairies because of the incredible sun and flatness (emptyness perhaps) of the land. Probably not in one of the big cities, and probably not snows in JULY!?!

Autumn most likely in Ontario, mebbe up north where the trees are to see all the colour changes---so beautiful. The crisp air, leaves crunching when you walk in places where most likely you're the first to walk on...oh good!

Winter in BC! Salute those Rocky Mountains! and of course tons and tons of skiing, horseback riding in the snow...oh to dream!
The OTHER half of winter...somewhere sunny...down south! =)

Spring...where would I go in the spring? I'm not particularly fond of Canada would be out of the question.....any ideas?!

What are YOUR picks?


Blogger sindy said...

haha.. my pick would prolly be.. summer & autumn.. in some nice tropical country.. and then when its winter in canada.. go to australia.. enjoy summer again.. haha.. cept for maybe like a week or two .. go to whistler or to colorado.. for some skiing.. that would be good.. hehe

12:30 PM  
Blogger Johanna said...

haha NICE. some skiing would be awesome...tho my butt would hurt so much....but the speed would be so AMAZING!! =) that would be in BC of course!! hehe ROCKIES!! WOOHOO!!!

1:47 AM  

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