Saturday, October 04, 2003


So I was sitting in ACF (asian christian fellowship) yesterday night and there was a guest speaker which was also the fellowship's missionary. He was talking about FEAR. Everyone has Fear right? Anyway, he was saying that fear is one of the ways that Satan keeps us from God. I mean, we think that fear is like...a normal thing, but actually it's more than that. It's what we PERCEIVE that gives us fear. Take fear factor for example. When we watch it, we're like "oh...that looks like nothing! I can eat cow brains and that's not disgusting!" etc. But for those people that are on the show actually eating it, what they see and what we see is totally different. It's our perception that makes us fear. He also gave us a lil acronym?

F alse
E vidence
A ppear
R eal

Kinda cool huh? =)

More to come...


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