Friday, November 19, 2004

The times we spent as friends
The scrabble games we played
The coke bottle wars on the swings
The archery competitions
The 5 star rewards
The brutal "friendly" bruises
The "ganging up on kids" pranks
The jokes
The laughs
The conversations
The devotions
The pain (ahem...punches, slaps, massages, tackles)
The Campfire times

Those were the good times...
Though it was camp, and only for summer,
You were the one that made a lot of it memorable
Thanx for the memories that I'll keep with me forever.


Blogger Unknown said...

i found you jo :P mwhahaah...we all miss missions jo, it's ok :)

10:49 PM  
Blogger Johanna said...

hrms...missing missions...yes...........not what that blog was about =p

5:31 PM  
Blogger timmy said...

aiya............... nei gong lam jai?????? NO MORE! hahaha... miss ya! :)

6:12 PM  
Blogger melody said...

"You were the one that made a lot of it memorable"
if "You" is representing one person, is that one person who i think it is?
cause now you're just confusing me. ... ...

10:31 PM  

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