Monday, June 19, 2006


this seems like a common topic for most blogs eh?
guess i'll join in the fun.

So, as always, my parents and other adults are forever asking me what i'm going to be doing after school. Questions about where I'm going to work, what I'm going to do etc.

I honestly don't know where I'm going to do after i graduate or what type of job i'm going to be working in. All i know is that i want to work with kids. I keep on stressing that i want to work with kids etc., but i don't think adults actually listen.

It seems like the reoccuring conversation is always:

"why don't you get a job this summer?"

"because i have summer school and i'm going to camp"

"if you weren't goign to camp you'd find a job for experience"

"camp is experience"

"why do you always go back to camp? why not go on a different missions trip, working will give you experience. you don't have experience"

"working at camp with kids IS my experience"

It frustrates me so much how parents (not all) have a one track mind. They keep talking about how i should get a job...get soem BUSINESS experience...argh. i give up. i just don't listen to them anymore. in this topic at least. meh...mebbe i don't get them, mebe they don't get me...but geez. i'm just SO tired of the same conversation EVERY FRICKING DAY.


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