Tuesday, June 06, 2006


so i just feel like the word that describes this summer is: BABIES
perhaps it's just me, but i feel like everyone is having a kid.
my cuz is having one due at the end of aug
my other cuz in HK is having one due sometime near the end of this year
tim's sis just had a kid (congrats uncle tim!)
jo's sis is having one...
oh man.
babies galore!!

hehe...ok. so am i like going insane? or am i just a baby fanatic?
i dunno..babies are cute, fun to play with...and i finally get to SPOIL ONE SOON!

and i love kids. i want one. or two. or three.....er....=)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, clearly you're insane.
All they know how to do is:
- eat
What's cute in that? In the end, they grow up into A**holes/B**tches. What's enjoyable about that?

hahaha oh dont i sound happy lol awww jo i'm just joking... well sorta lol. they can be cute etc....

good seeing u yesterday for wings btw! sorry i didnt stay longer since they made me work and all!

8:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

All they know how to do is:
- eat

haha that still sounds like the most of us. except we learn to talk too and pretend to have conversations. really it's just two people wanting to share their own stories and take turns doing so, often times cutting each other off.

1:31 AM  

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