Monday, October 31, 2005

Oh my DRAMA.
As if i wan't already...i'm TOTALLY IN LOVE with grey's anatomy.

This show makes my day!!

G reatly entertaining
R idiculously halirious
E ver interesting
Y ou gotta watch type of show
S uperb

A wesome cast
N eat
A dd your own comment here
T oo much drama!
O h my goodness!!!
M y favourite show so far

oh..and good looking doctors *ahem* actors help!

Can you tell that i don't want to study?! =)
Sunday 10p.m. CTV!
Do it!!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

A Rum and Monkey disease.

So i was just looking at my blog...and i just noticed that in the background of 'my disease' were naked fat people!! GROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS~
hence i'm editing this post and taking it out...

Friday, October 28, 2005

Loving it.

Watch it at

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Here i am at it again...
Sighs...long chats at night are amazing..
makes me miss my kids...
wondering what they're doing now?

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Testing 1.2.3.
are the pics working?
anyways, random pics from whenever

btw. my glasses just broke. Great.

So, i got 2 midterms comign up
one on halloween morning
and one the morning after
no halloween fun for me=(
althought i might make a run to the mall after my exams...
and load up on CANDY 50% off...SO GOOD

ok. i seriously have studying issues.
i'm studying just fine in the social science centre,
where i have a table all to myself and a chair in front of me as a foot rest
(i'm frickin short ok!? so it's more comfy for me to stretch (heh) my legs than dangle them...=p)
but then i decide to forgo that comfy spot (just cuz it was a tad drafty)
and head on to the library
Good job jo
i'm in a cubicle, a dirty one at that
and no foot rest
and blogging about it to escape the inveitable
darn it
can you say uber procrastination?

and i think this is yet another record for jo
3 blogs in a week

ok. i'm not that funny
time for me to leave this page and study classical sociological theorists. yum.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

ok. so because i don't want to study/make notes, i'm going to blog this one random thing

it's so cold in london that my feet are freezing...
yes, there's heat in my room, but i don't like to turn it up cuz then i suffocate
yes. I AM WEIRD. i accept that =)
random fact
so my feet were so cold that i finally gave in and put some socks on
not just random socks
but the toe socks that i have never worn
given to me by tiff
so many many years ago
so i finally wore them
and they're really really warm
so that now my feet are sweaty
enough randomness for ya?
i think so
back to studying

Sunday, October 23, 2005

I have officially been tagged.

5 random facts about myself

1. I'm a bookworm with a genetic trait of falling asleep when reading textbooks (thanks dad)
2. My parent's have replaced me as their child with my dog Blazer
----> this is fine since now i have someone to blame for everything!!! (who ate the last piece of pie....the dog did...heh)
3. I am a movie/tv shows addict (GREY'S ANATOMY ALL THE WAY. and HOUSE, and ...everything else..heh)
-----> i should have gone into some film school or something
4. I have an invisible scar right smack dab in the middle of my forehead from a childhood injury that will only present itself if you make me cry...REALLY REALLY HARD--so don't try
5. Sindy got me a ring that has a spinny i fidget and spin the ring over and over again...i have a callous on my finger because i've spun it so much.

So, i tag whoever reads this blog.....which i have no idea who...cuz i lazy and don't post...haha