Monday, April 10, 2006

Pent up Frustration.

I feel the need to vent. However, you readers will probably not know what i'm venting about. Because i won't be writing anything about it.

It's funny when i think about all the times where i feel frustration, betrayal, anger, etc., and all i do is just keep it in. I don't show most of the emotions that i'm feeling most of the time. Some people tell me that i'm a really tolerant person. Can i really agree with that though?

What determines tolerance? Is it because one doesn't portray their emotions or voice out their opinions? It's really confusing sometimes. Last week's Nooma talked about forgiveness. When I feel that someone has wronged me or has made me angry or from having an argument that I was right or something, i usually stew about 20 mins, and i let it go.

I confuse myself sometimes. Forgiveness is when you pretty much not feel negative emotion to another person. Ok. so if i had an argument with my parents, i stew for mebbe more than 20 mins, and distance myself from them to cool down, and then the next day it's all ok again. What confluses me is that sometimes when i've thought i've forgotten some incident or whatever, something else triggers those feelings again. These feelings doesn't necessarily make me hate the person or whatever, or don't want to talk to those people, so then what are they?

As I'm sitting here writing about this, i think that what I'm feeling when i remember those memories is a feeling of betrayal. Betrayal of my mind on myself. Does this make sense? I don't know how to explain it. Maybe i'm just rambling. I don't know.

Usually, no one ever seems me angry. Never. I may vent and have excess energy, but no one has truly seen me blow up at someone and yell my head off. no one except my parents of course =p but who hasn't gotten into a fight with their parents?

All the time, i say to people that "you've never seen me angry, i only get really really angry and blow up about once or twice a year". Is this a good thing? The term i'm thinking in my head is catharsis. I don't think it really applies here, but whatever.

When i blow up, it's weird. I get So angry, so frustrated, so emotional. I scare myself sometimes. One blow up was triggered by me goign with my mom to get gas for the car. I'm always the one to get out and fill the tank, and usually when i come home from school, i usually find the tank empty etc. So there's this one time when i'm just, can you just do it this time. like..why do you always wait for someone else to do it? And she just went no...or something like that. (this is a LONG time ago)

NOTE:[it's happening again. thinking about this brings back memories and frustrations of things that has happened between me and my parents, about disappointments and whatnot. I know i've forgiven them, but is my soul still remembering this to spite me? Why is it when these feelings surface, I remember all the things that i felt they have failed me in? or just random stupid stuff?...]

back to the gas station. i think the spat was over the method of payment. I wanted to fill the whole tank up, but my mom only had 20 cash. so i told her to pay with credit, and she didnt' want to get out of the car for whatever reason. I just blew up. I do know why, won't tell you, and it scared me. Looking back, i was So stubborn. Perhaps it was the feeling of being pushed too many times, or the anger at being told what to do. I just lost it. details won't be told, but lets say that i had MASSIVE ROAD RAGE driving to get home.

frustration. it sucks. i'm frustrated writing this, because it's going so long and it has brought up some memories and issues that i have. I dont' like it. so maybe it isn't so good to hold things in, to be tolerant. Maybe venting and getting emotional is a good thing. It's like talking about it will help. But will i really change?

I'm defined as tolerant because i hold things in. Why do i do that? I probably just don't like to talk. TRUE. I rather listen. Also true. When it comes time for me to talk about personal things, i keep my mouth shut.

ah. i think i've got it now. i choose to tolerate people because if i voice my opinions, it means i have to open up to people. and the truth? THAT FREAKS ME OUT.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


ok. well not total freedom. freedom from my stupid and uber long stats research project.
as of 4pm Sunday April 9, 2006, I AM DONE all my projects and assignments for the year.
feels good =)

now all i need to do are my thousands upon thousand pages of readings.
great. looks like freedom is short lived.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


I've just been thinking about the rest of the school year and the summer...
4 more weeks until i'm done
i week off to do some shopping and chillaxing with peeps
i week of FUN IN THE SUN on a CRUISE to the CARIBBEAN!!!




with my parents.

sighs. then back to London for intercession on the 15th!~

geez...looks like my summer is totally packed. goodness.
may and june in intercession
july away in EBC! that poses the problem...

what am i gonna do august?
garh. hahaha

i can't believe how time is flying by, it's just crazy how the school year is almost over...argh. haha
oh wells, not really in a mood for deep, dark secerets post. hahaha

ok. house! hehe

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Grey's anatomy will be the DEATH of me!
WHy does it want to torment me so?!!!!!!
too many hot scruffy looking guys to torture me!!!!!

Another unproductive weekend at home...

Well, got back into London about 4 hours ago.
Went home friday for the weekend, just to see TIFF!! woohoo!
ok. to be honest. i'm just blogging for the sake of nothing to do for a total of 7 minutes.
do you want to know why? mainly cuz grey's anatomy is on in 7 minutes.
and i seriously dont' want to start anything that may require me to focus for more than 7 minutes.
cuz obviously, it doesn't do justice for me to start something, and not finish it...unless i can finish it in 6 minutes.

BUGGER. i just thought of something that i forgot. i left my camera at home. not my digital, my SLR one...crap!
meh...all i wanted to do with it was to give it to ben (yes you ben. you RSS'd my page, so now i can contact you through it! heh.) to finish the role of black and i can finally develop it...not that i remember what was on them anymore...haha!

oh wells.
5 minutes to go.
i think i'm going to chain myself to the library tomorrow. my psych project is due thursday.
all i really have to do is to revamp it a bit...make it more flowy....etc.
4 minutes. i think i'm gonna go downstairs and grab an apple to much on.
wait. that will make too much noise in my head. gah.

ok. 3 minutes. i'm going to go now. bye!
thanks for stopping by!!!

heh. i'm totally random. this is what happens when i'm restless...wait...that's all the time! *headdesk*