Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I'm turning into JON.

so yeah, i'm turning into jon--he never sleeps--i didn't fall asleep until 7am this morning. CRAP. and i woke up at 9:30, rolled around until 10:30 and was like..CRAP. got up and made myself a STRONG cup of coffee. thankgoodness for coffee. so obviously i missed my 9:30 class--raining anwyays, whatever.

then i get a nice surprise in the mail!!! yay!!!! i love care packages--esp when they're filled with crazy funnie notes!!! thanks PNEUMIE!! and rach (for those INTERESTING notes...heh--plane and distributing feminine products...=D)

now i'm just trying to stay awake and do my designated work for today...and catching up with the work i designated for yesterday...*headdesk*

on a lighter note, i like this weather in november. not cold, just....nice and airy. mmm to have the window open for fresh air to cleanse my room....so good!!!

can't wait to go home...counting down till the 19th of december.

one more tidbit. i LOVE fan fic.....haha...esp when it's grey's anatomy fanfic.....*headdesk* as if i'm not obsessed or anything...barg!

drop me a line!! =)

Monday, November 28, 2005

Seriously. SERIOUSLY!

Haha. This phrase brings back memories of Koinonia's Retreat some time ago. I think it was Andy Chow who came up with theme or something like that and everyone was like...?!!!! haha! but anyways, the retreat, if i remember, was awesome, as is any other retreat.

Anyways, not that I'm an obsessed fan of Grey's Amatomy....yes...there's a forum for it and i'm constantly on it...and there was a survey of "you're obsessed with GA when..." and i fit like..5/6 categories or something..."sad...really...no self-control"
yes...sad...i just quoted GA. sighs!

but anyways, the show constantly uses the word "seriously"--over used it sometimes, but that's what makes it so good!!! not just that, but everything else as well.

Ok. I'm a loser loving Grey's anatomy. I think i'll stop here now. class is starting and i'm going to hit the forums to keep me occupied.

haha...just wanted to blog this week...hahahah. yes...so sad.

Monday, November 21, 2005

So it's been a while since my last post, and i'm sitting in class debating on what to blog about...=D

i guess i can start on certain bits of info...

- went home this weekend, was a totally unproductive weekend...
- went back to london (thank goodness the weather was nice!)
- tiff and andy dropped by!!! yay!!!
- surprised cora...haha that was funny...tiff was hiding in a corner and she went to hug andy, but saw tiff and totally redirected her path from andy to tiff =D
- so that was fun...
- and then they left cuz andy had to work..boourns...it was nice seeing you guys! cept you still have my movies......=D
- did a lot of readings... (one chapter...hahaha)
- watched grey's anatomy in between all that--I LOVE THIS SHOW!
- the ending of the show almost made me cry....hahahaha

that's it for now.....crunch time till december 19th when break starts!!!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Hamster Dance

Jon and MIriam are officially MARRIED and have a CHILD
the child's name is Sir Rocky.
Sir Rocky lives in a cage with a fully furnished wood shaving floor, an exercise wheel, and an unlimited supply of water and food.
oh. Sir Rocky is not being mistreated by his parents, rather Sir Rocky is a long-haired Hamster.
Already on Sir Rocky's first day as an adopted child, his parents have already fought over what kind of house he will live in--his mother would like nothing more than to spoil her child--wanting to spend massive amounts of money for a high "stimulus" house. His father, realizing that having a child is NOT easy as he thought it would be, wanted an immediate divorce, or better yet an anullment. However, upon further discussion with Samantha, an anullment would not be possible as they have already "consumated" a child, or rather adopted one. Tough break on them.
Since Jon and Miriam are "separated", and ensuing child custody battle was underway.
Jon, being the father with a stable house, won the first round, but soon realized that he could not handle a kid and quickly handed the kid to its mother.
The mother, being still in school and not allowing kids in her house (the landlord hates kids), had to give up the kid back to Jon for the time being.

Here we leave the "happy" couple...until next time!