Thursday, October 12, 2006


lemme tell ya. today's weather was WACK. on minute hail, the other minute sunny, then full blown snow and wind. crazy. sheesh.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Eastridge Missions Service - October 1, 2006

Visiting Stouffville and their new church was pretty good. It was great seeing all the people that i've worked with over the summer, and great to see what they've been doing since then. This service was a sum of all the summer ministries - to eagle bay, uganda, you name it. It was nice to hear from all the people about their experiences as well.

It was also nice to hear scott's sharing about what he learned and experienced at garden hill. There hasn't really been a "debriefing" as you can call it between the team members that went...and it was refreshing to hear what made him decide to go, how his excuses were all shot down etc.

Thinking back now, i kinda wished that we did sit around and just's actually really encouraging and inspiring to others who have been there and to people who are thinking about going on missions.

Pics from the ride back...oh man. and i promise, i was looking at the Road the WHOLE TIME. seriously.